Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oregon 07/2008 Parker - Day 2

We start the day off at Breitenbush and enjoy the hot water before heading out.

We're hunting for fishing holes today. The clarity of the water is amazing. You can actually see the fishes.

First stop was not very far from Breitenbush, and Kyle is doing his best to hook them trout.

The area was beautiful, and the sky was an amazing color.

Didn't get many trout on a hook here, and trouble beset us as we were leaving - the Suburban wouldn't start. And wouldn't start. And wouldn't start. So Kyle hoofed it about a half mile back to the road and waited for a passing vehicle. Just as an aside - would you stop to help that man? Anyway, I had my book, and I was reading away - content with life. I decided to give the truck another try, and it started. However, all was not well, as it died every time I put it in gear. Finally, by giving it more gas than was safe for the conditions, I was able to get going and picked Kyle up at the road. No one had come by. We head back to Detroit to see about getting some mechanical help; none there, and we had to go about 20 miles back toward Salem. We got to a service station that actually had service, checked the battery out, all was OK, so we back track and resume our tour through the mountains.

Next stop was Detroit Lake. It was full, a condition that was soon to change, as a couple months later it was down about 50 feet.

We stop along the way at several fishin' holes:

Then on to Bagby Hot Springs to wash off the trail dust.

Check out that plumbing. No electricity or pumps up here.

This is the old Forest Service Ranger Cabin at Bagby.

Then we find a nice spot to camp.

Hard to believe that tent is big enough for the two of us.

Doesn't get much better.

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