Friday, November 7, 2008

Maine 07/2008 Day 3

We have Peter and Marnie out to the boat for breakfast and bid them a fond fair well. A beautiful day, but as we passed North Haven, we started having electrical problems again, i.e. the instruments were no more good. So we called the charter service and were directed to go to Brown's Boat Yard.

We tied up to the dock at Brown's and waited on Mr. Brown to get to us. Mr. Brown finally got around to helping us and got to work on the boat.

He discovered that a ground wire had worked its way loose from the battery and hence, the cause of our problem was found and fixed. Pretty day and some wind for sailing but . . .

As we make our way toward the Vinalhaven (I think) Harbor, someone (Hale and/or Kees) is not watching what we are doing, resulting in too much jibbing. As a result, our main sail ripped.

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