Sunday, April 20, 2008

California 04/2008 - Day 4

This was a long travel day for us. In lieu of hunting for a remote hot springs, we elected to detour toward Yosemite National Park.

We parked at Curry Village, fixed a sandwich for lunch, and hiked up toward Vernal Falls.

Wade did a walk through of the Ahwahnee Hotel, one of my favorite places to stay. We also saw Half Dome. Lebo and I hiked up here in October, 2006. Lebo made it all the way to the top, while I made it almost up to the cables and the final ascent, before my fear of heights got too much for me and forced me to turn back. Upon his return, Lebo assured me that I had made the right choice. Afterwards, I read a book, which detailed an account of several deaths resulting from lighting strikes on the top of Half Dome. My decision was once again affirmed. That story will be the subject of another post.

Wade and I also saw Yosemite Falls and El Capitan, not stopping to do much close up exploring, saving this for another trip. The Yosemite Valley is a clear demonstration of the Lord's Sovereign hand in creation and displays a masterpiece of his work. It is sad that all of this beauty lies in a land where many people worship creation, without acknowledging the Creator.

We then continued on toward Reno and hot water. It was a very long day. With the Garmin leading us, we were not sure it was taking us along the best route.


Ricky said...

Those pictures make my feet and knees hurt.

Sam said...

I found a few shots of the offending hike to which you are referring. You boys really looked bad, but they will be the subject of a future post.