Friday, April 18, 2008

California 04/2008 - Day 2

Arose and headed up to the Ronald Reagan Library to see Air Force One. The Wiggins (Natalie and Matthew), Mamma (Marjorie), and I had visited the Library back in 2005, just a week before Hurricane Katrina hit, but the Air Force One exhibit was not yet opened. So I arrived at the Library with great anticipation, along with about 4,000 elementary students, who were there for the Library exhibits and a special re-enactment to demonstrate the life of the Colonial soldier and those who supported them.

It was great to visit the Library again, but the Air Force One exhibit was the highlight. It was one of the original planes used by President Reagan. One striking thing about the plane is how small and narrow it is. In today's world of wide body planes, one needs to remember that this Boeing 707 is pretty cramped. It was configured much as it was on the President's trip to Germany where he challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall."

It was interesting to observe these young people, who will, many, many years after President Reagan left office, greatly benefit from his courage, vision, faith, strength, and leadership.

On a humorous note: Heard at the Reagan Library main door in front of the life size bronze statute of RR in ranch attire, an adult female (blonde) asked, "Who is the cowboy?"

After the Library, I headed up the road to Santa Barbara and visited with Andrew Coffin, who is the Director of the Young America's Foundation's Reagan Ranch Center. Andrew is the son of a preacher friend, Dave Coffin. Andrew gave our crew a personal tour of the Reagan Ranch back in 2005. It was a wonderful experience and showed not only what was important to the President, but showed how much Nancy must have loved that man to leave the comforts of the LA area for this small, rustic ranch house up in the hills above Santa Barbara. A visit there gives one the true sense of the man who did much to save and preserve America for future generations, but that is the subject of another trip.

If you are not familiar with the Young America's Foundation, you should examine how this organization is working to equip our young people. The Young America’s Foundation is committed to ensuring that increasing numbers of young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values.

As the principal outreach organization of the Conservative Movement, the Foundation introduces thousands of American youth to these principles. It accomplishes its mission by providing essential conferences, seminars, educational materials, internships and speakers to young people across the country.

1 comment:

Ricky said...

Great job on your first blog. Your a natural.