Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Oregon 07/2008 Asa & Graves Day 4

After breaking camp, we head into town for a cooked breakfast. It was very average, but the right decision based on Ken's back hurting more and more and the swarms of mosquitoes that tried to eat us alive. It was strange that the prior night saw almost no bugs, while the next night in the same general area was horrible.

We head back to Eugene and decend upon the Prakers. Ken gets a TENS treatment on his back, and the boys and I head over to the campus of the UofO and Track Town to see what we can see and do some shopping. Finally, Asa has on some clean clothes.

This is the back of Hayward Field and the scene of some of the Field Events.

Hayward Filed was really set up for the Olympic Track Trials.

This is the main entrance to Hayward Field.

This is a warm up track and some of the stands for the Field Events.

Here's one of the Phil Knight/NIKE funded buildings on the Campus of the UofO.

For the folk who did not have tickets to the track events (like us), they had a public area next to the track where you could watch the competition on a couple of big screens. There were lots of tents, some really big, selling and marketing all sorts of stuff.

After our time at the Olympic Trials, we head over to the Cascade Presbyterian Cookout. Gretchen is here getting something for Jack and Molly to chow down on.

Kyle has done a lot of work remodeling the patio, as well as installing some City required drainage and re-sodding the back yard.

Gretchen sure will be glad when all this dirt is covered with pretty green Oregon grass.

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